showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Shining Force II  Sega;TecToy (Sonic Software Planning)1993 avianoids axes ballistae bludgeons bows centaurs chiroptera classbased classbasedeq collapsingstructure consoleclassix containers counselor crossbows deathpenalty demonicinvasion demons difficulty dragons dragons-western dwarves elves falseending gargoyles giantbirds giantworms grid grid-square group healingitems humanoidanimals inventory magic meleeweapons minotaurs monsters nazcalines phoenixes polearms possessed rating-vrc-ga rats recallportal robots sauroids save-suspend savepoints saveram screenshake shining-series shopping skeletons spears statuseffects summoning swords tactical tacticalrpg undead unlockable-characters unlockable-difficulty versionvariations weefolk werewolves wiivirtualconsole wyverns xp-kills zombies Included in Sega Mega Drive Classic Collection (Steam version)***Similar al anterior juego, comienza un poco más sencillo en el combate, algo extraño ya que es una secuela, pero que no por ello ni mejor ni peor.

6 de 10***European version
Reviewed by Benji
[29]***European version
Reviewed by Greg
[29]***Japanese version
[20]***After Dark Dragon was vanquished, the land was peaceful again, until a petty theif stole the jewels of light and darkness which were used to seal an even greater evil, Zeon. The King of Devils is now loose and you must stop him.
Same style as the first one, but improvements on the gameplay here and there; some are subtles, like the improved menus, other are more obvious, like a much harder and longer game.
Probably the best music quality on the Genesis.

I really have lost count of how many times I've played through this game. It's as close as a non-FF RPG can get to being perfect.
[SamnMax]***It's a dark and stormy night in the kingdom of Granseal when a thief steals two jewels from the Tower of the Ancients. He sets in motion strange events that lead to the resurrection of Zeon, the Devil King. Granseal's king falls sick, the princess is kidnapped, and a door to Arc Valley, the Devil King's home, is opened. The young swordsman, Bowie, realizing the grave danger Granseal faces, must lead the Shining Force to find the Holy Sword and the stolen jewels, and protect Granseal against the invading armies of Zeon.***Directly from the game box (European version) :

An ancient evil has broken free, and is spreading over the land of Rune. You must lead the Shining Force into battle to recover the stolen jewels and seal the Door to Darkness. The Kingdom of Granseal is depending on you !